With the long-term rental module, contracts with longer terms, which contain e.g. monthly interim invoices, can be created and billed easily and conveniently. The module enables the creation of initial invoices, interim invoices, final invoices and final invoices for long-term transactions. In addition, invoices for several contracts can be generated automatically, which makes it easier to invoice a higher number of long-term contracts.
Normal contracts can be easily turned into long-term contracts easily by pressing the F7 key. Afterwards the contract can be recalculated with special long-term rates if necessary. The module can be called by the context menu when clicking the right mouse button. This gives you access to the long-term rates, invoice overview and other long-term functions. Here is a short overview of the functions of the long-term module

New long-term contracts are generated exactly like normal contracts, but with special long-term tariffs. Check out our video to learn how to create long-term contracts and invoices in rent office classic.
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