KMS-Academy | Tipp der Woche #10: Statistik

In addition to the key figures within the individual modules, our Rentoffice Information System enables you to obtain important information on vehicles, contracts and commissions as statistics and listings. In this tip of the week we will focus on the statistics provided by Rentoffice Information System. In this video we show you the contract as well as vehicle evaluations and the requirements that have to be stored on the vehicle in order to generate them. Additional evaluations such as overall monitoring and success control are also available. 


Moreover, lists for vehicle control, such as km inspection or TÜV are available. Filter according to station, tariff group and vehicle groups to get a better overview. Rentoffice Information System has the following evaluations and lists, which can be called up in combination with the corresponding modules (e.g. commissions). 

The module Statistics in Rentoffice Information System enables the following evaluations and listings: 

  • Vehicle costs and turnover. Graphic and standard evaluation of vehicle sales, contribution margin, sales-cost-utilisation and gross profit. 
  • Contract turnover: Graphic or list evaluation of contract turnover and statistics also by tariff group. 
  • Success control: Billed contracts whose rental agreement ends in the month evaluated. All existing transaction types are evaluated and a selection can also be made for individual ones.  


  • Overall monitoring: list containing the due vehicle dates in a
    user-defined period.



  • Emergency service list

Find more information about Rentoffice Information System in our help section



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KMS Mobility Solutions