The field of telematics is the basis for automated vehicle rental and carsharing and is therefore essential for the future of the mobility industry. Thanks to its many possibilities and advantages, telematics is becoming increasingly popular for fleet management. It enables to obtain vehicle data, such as location, fuel level or km status in real time, which enables better control and security in fleet management.
More than 40% of the largest fleet companies in Germany already use or are planning to integrate telematic connects for fleet management. This makes the control of a vehicle fleet much easier. The users also benefit from faster workflows, keyless booking processes and, for example, user-based tariffs.
KMS Carsharing solution with telematics
By integrating telematics in the rental process, KMS has been running car sharing projects on the KMS Platform/ rentoffice for several years. Examples of this are the Sylt Carsharing oder das or the Share Landrover project. Projekt.

We are currently preparing the launch of the car sharing solution for all our customers and interested parties. The solution includes a central car sharing app (IOS/Android) for registration, validation, booking and opening and closing of vehicles, all integrated in our Rentoffice solution. This allows easy implementation of car sharing concepts even for smaller vehicle pools.
As part of the solution, our Rentoffice Cloud 2.8. release includes the new "Integrations" settings area. This allows telematics systems to be easily connected without complicated connections of individual solution portals. Telematics data can then be displayed and retrieved. This allows relevant telematics data, vehicle history and events per vehicle to be displayed and retrieved. In addition, the customer verification through the Veriff integration is also directly accessible in Rentoffice. Learn more about Rentoffice Cloud Release 2.8. here..
The integration of telematics is currently available for OTA Keys, Flinkey as well as for Mercedes Connect. Further providers are in preparation and available on request.
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