Sustainable Mobility: Car Rentals & Subscriptions

In the era of climate change, the way we think about cars is changing.

Unsere zukünftige Mobilitätslandschaft entwickelt sich rasant, und es geht nicht mehr nur um den traditionellen Autobesitz. Die neue Ära der vielfältigen Mobilität umfasst Autovermietung, Abonnementmodelle, Elektrofahrzeuge und vieles mehr. Wie wollen untersuchen, wie diese Trends uns helfen können, unsere Klimaschutzziele auf praktische Weise zu erreichen.

corporate-car, car-sharing, Mobility, service-provider, b2b-costumers, online-booking, payment-services, auto-vehicle, fleet-booking

The Pressure to Act

Der Klimawandel zwingt uns, unser Verhältnis zum Auto zu überdenken. Der traditionelle Autobesitz verliert an Attraktivität. Auch wenn die offiziellen Statistiken steigende Zulassungszahlen aufweisen, ist es wichtig, sich auf nachhaltige Alternativen zu konzentrieren. Der Schlüssel liegt in der Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen, und hier kommen Autovermietung und Abonnements ins Spiel.

Greening the Industry

A significant part of a car's carbon footprint comes from its production, especially the steel used. We're running out of time to cut emissions drastically, and it's clear that current climate protection plans are insufficient.

We need to produce steel in a more climate-friendly way. So, how can car rental and subscriptions help us meet the 1.5-degree target?


Promoting Climate Protection

To drive climate protection in the mobility sector, we need to consider when and how consumers are willing to give up their cars. Car rental optimizes vehicle utilization in urban areas, where cars often „sit idle“, taking up valuable space. Modern car-rental and car subscription fleets are more eco-friendly, contributing to a greener environment.

Our Contribution

At KMS Mobility Solutions, we're committed to driving the mobility turnaround. Our comprehensive solutions cover short-term rentals, and car subscriptions. We help service providers increase vehicle utilization and optimize their fleets, as essential steps in achieving climate goals. Our Car Subscription and Rental solutions simplify the process for end users and our backoffice allows service providers to optimize their fleets for both traditional and subscription-based rentals.


User-Friendly Experience

Both of KMS solutions offer an easy access to subscription and rental vehicles with contactless features. Payments are hassle-free with integrated payment providers, making renting and subscribing straightforward and convenient.

Choose Sustainability

The future of mobility lies in convenience and service. Car renting and subscriptions offer flexibility without giving up the comforts of car ownership. As we embrace these modern solutions, we can work towards ambitious climate targets while enjoying a more sustainable and practical way of getting around.


Join us in embracing modernity and technology for a greener, more sustainable future. Let's drive a change together, one subscription, one rental ride at a time. With KMS Mobility Solutions, the path to sustainable mobility is clear and attainable.



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KMS Mobility Solutions