Abo in rentoffice cloud
We start the year with the announcement of innovations that are already available today for our customers. We have been looking forward to getting it live and ready for immediate use. We are pleased to share with you the new flexible Abo feature in rentoffice cloud and rentoffice booking vorstellen zu können.
- From now on, mobility providers will have more flexibility to define to offer in addition to short term rent also long-term monthly subscriptions, all in one Solution/ UI. The subscription contract will be generated automatically, as well as the corresponding monthly billing instead of the classic one-time rental.
- In addition, all the driver's license and credit card data can be stored systematically as part of the booking information required for the monthly billing of the subscription.
- The Abo function is included in the "Enterprise" package of rentoffice cloud and booking can be used by all customers after licensing.

Corporate Customers in Rentoffice Booking
As a new feature, it is now as well possible to manage with corporate clients in rentoffice booking When clients are assigned in rentoffice classic to a particular company and this feature is activated, the booking will be automatically assigned to the company with the client as the driver. In addition, the client has limited options to change addresses and data in rentoffice booking , once the client has already logged in.