Fleetinspector | Claims Management in Focus


Year after year, the police register millions of traffic accidents involving considerable property damage. Car rental companies and fleet operators are often among the injured parties, because the settlement of claims still involves a great deal of administrative work - and all too often the providers are left sitting on part of the costs!


A study by the Federal Association for Fleet Management found that more than a quarter of all activities in the area of fleet management are related to the processing of damage claims. Therefore, this is where there is great potential for digitalization. What could be more obvious than to use an efficient tool to support this?


The service employee can record and document the damage directly on the vehicle in the presence of the customer. But what exactly should the tool do and what is important to save time and money? KMS mobility solutions released the Fleetinspector at the beginning of this year and provides information about the main features of the solution in this news article.

When damage occurs, quick solutions and reactions are often required. Effective planning and smooth processing with all parties involved, from the driver to the insurance company to the garage, are the be-all and end-all for the fleet operator. With a powerful tool, you can handle damage management quickly and competently - and thus increase your vehicle utilization. 

An integrated sector solution

There are now numerous providers on the market that promise to help with claims management. However, a closer look reveals that many solutions are designed from the insurer's perspective. They optimize the processes of the service providers, but a complete integration into the leading systems of the fleet operators is missing. This results in media discontinuities and the manual transfer of data delays the processing of payments.


In some cases, damage cannot be documented in detail on the vehicle and there is a lack of transparency in tracking. To remedy all these shortcomings, we have extended our existing software solution. This is important for all car rental companies and fleet managers, because in our opinion it is essential that the technical platform is in the hands of the fleet operators and is optimally controlled from there. From damage reporting to final invoicing, all service providers involved are integrated on a central platform.

5 Fleetinspector Benefits for optimising damage management

Legally secure documentation of mobile damage during check-in and check-out

Mobile end devices enable the recording of the vehicle condition along standardised checklists. In addition to the extensive marking options on the vehicle section, photos and videos ensure a legally secure and causation-based allocation. The recorded damage is directly categorised and transferred to other systems, sent by e-mail or printed out. 


Great flexibility in the operation of the surfaces

Easy processing by service staff, who are often under a lot of time pressure when checking in and out, is provided by functions such as attaching damage via drag & drop, automatic loading of already existing damage and the possibility to move damage. The checklists, categories and all subsequent workflows are customisable. 

Forward recorded data to workshop and insurance company

The protocol is digitally signed and the data is automatically transferred to the backend - thus time-consuming intermediate steps are bypassed and the acceptance process is truly digitalised in a consistent manner. This is followed by the processing of the recorded data, whether for invoicing or for communication with the customer. Fleetinspector and the Rentoffice applications combine many relevant functions in claims management.


High transparency for all parties involved

Clear displays provide a high level of transparency for all parties involved, e.g. through a shared view of the current status of a claim. Claims can be linked not only to the contract but also to the vehicle.


Keeping an eye on the cost factor

With our solution, the documentation of the repair costs can be documented directly in connection with the damage that has occurred. Invoicing is optimally supported in Rentoffice.


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KMS Mobility Solutions