Providing solutions for Sustainable Mobility
We are happy to announce our new Partnership with Liberkee a technology provider for digital keyless access to cars, in the field of Carsharing to reduce the total numbers of cars in our streets in the future. At KMS, we focus on B2B car rental customers with our mobility solutions. Our mobility solutions consist of SaaS back office software (the versions: Classic and Cloud), a web-based booking platform and our Share2rent app. These applications also exist as white-lable solutions to customize them the look and feel of our customers demand.

KMS has always excelled in providing its customers with access to the latest technologies to help them increase and optimize revenues.
Keeping Mobility Simple
KMS solutions currently handle the rental of more than 50,000 vehicles for our customers. The use of digital key technology for use cases with and without vehicle keys from Liberkee significantly simplifies car rental processes and ensures flexibility. Checking in and out of fleet vehicles is faster, more user-friendly, without waiting time and, if desired, around the clock. The KMS-Liberkee partnership thus promotes customer satisfaction as well as customer loyalty and makes car rental future-proof with all mobility services from kms mobility solutions.

The vehicles can now in addition to the exiting integration to OTA On Board Units (OBU) now also be equipped with the Liberkee OBU. Vehicles can also be converted with the new technology in just a few minutes. The OBU corresponds with the tenant's mobile device via Bluetooth. In addition to open/close functions of the door or starting/ending rental timeframe, a display can also be switched on, e.g. "Remove key from glove compartment". As an option, it is also possible to use the OBU functions in vehicles without contact or keyless access, e.g. light commercial vehicles or vans.

All in all, the Liberkee-kms mobility solutions partnership will enable our customers to operate their fleets more efficiently and profitably.
We are currently developing the next features of the Share2Rent app for the upload of images at the beginning or end of the car-rental for documentation purposes. We are also in the process of integrating new online payment methods into the app, such as SEPA bank transfers or instant bank transfers. In addition, we pursue the goal of equipping our applications for a mix of station-based and free-floating operation or exclusively station-based operation.
Further information can be found here